A very comprehensive review paper on total reaction cross section, by L. F. Canto, V. Guimaraes, J. Lubian and M.S. Hussein, was just submitted to EPJA. (see copy at arXiv)
1) Prof. Dr. Valdir Guimaraes (coordinator)
Associate Professor at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) working in the field of Experimental Nuclear Physics in the following topics: Radioactive Beams, Elastic scattering, Transfer, breakup and fusion reactions, Spectroscopic investigation of light exotic nuclei (proton and neutron rich nuclei), study of nuclear reactions for nuclear astrophysics. Researcher level 1-C in CNPq.
e-mail: valdirg@if.usp.br

3) Dr. Juan Carlos Zamora NSCL - University of Michingan - USA
Dr. rer. nat in Physics from Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany (2015). My research is focused in experiments with active targets, storage rings and spectrometers. I am interested in nuclear structure and direct reactions in inverse kinematics at low and intermediate energies.
e-mail: cardona@if.usp.br

4) Profa. Dra. Adriana Barioni
Associate professor at Universidade Federal de São Paulo –UNIFESP. Has experience in Nuclear Physics and interest on the following subjects: direct reactions – elastic scattering and transfer of few nucleons – with light exotic nuclei, nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest and barrier distribution.
e-mail: adriana.barioni@unifesp.br
Recent Project: Proton capture reaction for the system 8Li+19F of astrophysical interest

5) Pedro Luiz Domingues Magro - PhD student since September 2023
Project: Ressonant scattering of 11C+p and 11B+p. Experiment being performed at University of Notre DAme em collaboration with Daniel Bardayan and Patrick O'Malley

6) Andres Felipe Guerrero - Master degreee student since August 2024
Adivisor: Valdir Guimaraes
Project: Investigation of 6Li+p induced reaction.
7) Pierre Camilo Nistal - Master degree student since March 2022
Advisor: Valdir Guimaraes Co-advisor: Adriana Barioni
Project: Investigation of the 13C(9Be,7Li)15N and 13C(9Be,15N)7Li transfer reactions.

Erick Oscar Natividad Zevallos - PhD Student - march 2019 to december 2022 (Fellowship CNPq)
Advisor: Valdir Guimarães
Project: Elastic scattering of 13O, 13N, 13B and 13C projectiles on 208Pb target at intermediate energies.

Jonatas Barreto Ribeiro - Master Degree student - march 2020 to december 2022
Advisor: Valdir Guimarães
Project: Spectroscopic investigation of 12C nucleus by the 11B+p resonant scattering.

Guilherme Ferrari Fortino - Master degree student - march 2020 to december 2022 (Fellowship CNEN)
Advisor: Valdir Guimarães Co-advisor: Juan Carlos Zamora
Project: Development of Machine learning techniques to nuclear physics data from Active targets.

Laura Maria Garcia Figueroa - Master degree student March 2021 to May 2024
Advisor: Valdir Guimarães - Coadivisor: Marlete Assunção
Project: Investigation of the 12C(n,g)13C and 13C(n,g)14C neutron capture reaction by the Potencial Model.

Matheus Bonfim Angelo - Master degree student March 2021 to May 2024
Advisor: Valdir Guimarães
Project: Investigation of Mott oscillation in the 6Li+6Li system. - Fellowship FAPESP