A very comprehensive review paper on total reaction cross section, by L. F. Canto, V. Guimaraes, J. Lubian and M.S. Hussein, was just submitted to EPJA. (see copy at arXiv)
NEAN research group
Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear Astrophysics
Research Highlights

Interest and Activitives of the group
Structure of Exotic Nuclei

The halo and cluster structure in light nuclei are among the most exciting phenomena of current nuclear physics. In particular, proton and neutron rich light nuclei, situated far from the stability valley, such as 6He, 8B, 10C, 11Li, 11Be,12N and 15C are radioactive, with lifetime around tens to hundreds mili seconds. These nuclei may exhibit exotic nuclear halo structures in which the valence nucleons are weakly bound and extend outside the binding potential. The possibility of producing radioactive beams out of these short-lived nuclei offers new and unique opportunities for research in the frontier field of nuclear physics. New experimental data on reaction induced by these nuclei can provide stringent tests for nuclear structure and reaction-mechanism models which are essential for understanding the physics of the cosmos like the stellar nucleosynthesis. The low binding energy and strong cluster configuration in these exotic nuclei would produce a decoupling between the valence particle and the core nucleus, which give rise to an increase of the breakup and/or transfer probability in the total reaction cross section.
Reaction Mechanisms: Fusion, transfer, breakup

Direct and fusion reactions measurements induced by light radioactive beams are very powerful tools to study their properties since it can reveal unusual features in nuclei such as extended halos or neutron skins. In particular, the description of the cross sections for elastic scattering is very sensitive to the interaction potential between the projectile and target nuclei and their structure. Thus, with elastic scattering measurements, information on the radius, density and cluster configuration, coupling to the continuum through the breakup channels can be obtained. Some of these features affects the competing mechanism on the elastic scattering and coupled-channel analysis would be required to describe the cross sections. During the last years, the study of heavy ion fusion has been a subject of renewable interest in order to try to understand fusion induced by weakly bound and/or exotic nuclei which have a high break-up probability when in the presence of the target nuclear and Coulomb fields. Some questions such as the importance and the effect of the breakup channel in the fusion and elastic cross sections, are still a challenge for both theorists and experimentalists.
Nuclear Astrophysics

Our actual knowledge in stellar evolution and element synthesis in the Universe is at the heart of nuclear astrophysics field. The latter is interdisciplinary by excellence and it is enriched by the research performed in nuclear physics and astrophysics modeling as well as astronomic observations. Nuclear physics plays an important role to describe the energy production in stars and how they evolve. Thus, it is very important to improve our knowledge of nucleosynthesis processes occurring in the Universe and have a better knowledge of the nuclear properties (masses, decay half-life, density level, energy, spin-parity assignment and decay mode) of the nuclei involved in these processes. Usually the cross section of the nuclear reactions involved in stellar nucleosynthesis are very difficult to measure directly because of their very low value and/or the radioactive nature of the involved isotopes. Moreover, the cross sections for these reactions are strongly influenced by the resonances involved in the compound nucleus and the available nuclear models are not able to predict precisely the energy, spin-parity, total and decay widths of these resonances needed to calculate the reaction rates. To overcome these experimental difficulties, alternative methods such as transfer reactions and resonant scattering on thick target have been proposed